Are you considering taking a psychedelic journey to explore your inner self? If so, there are two key concepts that you should familiarize yourself with before embarking on this adventure: set and setting. In this article, we will discuss why understanding the importance of these concepts is crucial for those who wish to safely and effectively benefit from their entheogenic experience.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
- What is “set and setting” and how does it affect your journey?
- The origins and history of the concept behind this theory.
- Methods for creating a comfortable environment before undertaking an entheogenic journey.
When starting a new regimen, especially in regards to psychedelic use, it is important to consult a medical professional to make sure it is right and safe for you. Know that many prescription medications, or things like alcohol, can be dangerous when combined with certain psychedelics.
What Is
“Set and Setting”?

Set refers to the mindset or attitude one brings into a psychedelic experience.This concept divides further into immediate set and long-term set. Immediate set refers to expectations about the forthcoming session as well as general emotional state, level of preparation, and intentions. Long-term set refers to the type of person you are: beliefs, values, fears, and even one’s culture. These personality cornerstones have an immense impact on a psychedelic journey.1
If someone approaches their trip with fear or apprehension, they are more likely to have an unpleasant or even frightening experience. On the other hand, if they enter into it with an open-mind and willingness to explore whatever comes up during their session, then they are more likely to come out feeling positive about their experience.

Setting refers to the environment in which one takes psychedelics – both physical and social. The physical setting should be comfortable and safe; this means making sure there is adequate lighting and temperature control as well as low distractions such as loud noises or bright colors that could be overwhelming during a trip.
The social setting should also be supportive; ideally this means having one or two people present who can support the individual throughout their journey without being intrusive or overbearing. This could include friends or family members who have been through similar experiences before or trained professionals with expertise in psychedelics such as psychologists or medical doctors who can provide emotional support when needed.1,2
History and

Psychedelic users and researchers alike credit the coining of the theory of set and setting to Timothy Leary. The phrase found itself published first on the pages of a paper Leary presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in 1961.2 A myriad of publications released throughout the 1960s fine tuned the theory, but every iteration agreed that set and setting are the most impactful determinants of the contents of a psychedelic experience.2
While this theory appeared in the 60s with the psychedelic movement, its existence reaches back much further. Ancient shamanic rituals that so often accompany psychedelic consumption represent some of the earliest examples of set and setting. Curanderos, or shamanic healers, use icaros (ritual songs), blowing smoke, and whistles as a way to affect and enhance the healing experience.2
Jumping forward through the annals of history, 19th Century Parisian society became the Western heirs of set and setting with the influx of Hashish use. Romanticism and Realism forefathers, such as Baudelaire and Balzac, wrote about their experiences with psychedelics. They, along with psychiatrist Jean Joseph Moreau, noted that identical doses did not always guarantee identical outcomes. Hallucinations or illusions, as they referred to them, would take on a special character merely with the introduction of the slightest noise or gesture.2
How To Incorporate Set and Setting

There are a number of strategies that can be used to optimize the set and setting of a psychedelic experience.
These include:
- Choose an ideal environment. When selecting a location for your trip, choose one that is comfortable, safe, and secure. Make sure there are no distractions or anything that could potentially trigger anxiety or fear while you are tripping. It should be somewhere quiet where you can relax without interruption.
- Have a trustworthy guide or sitter present. Whether it’s a friend or family member who is familiar with psychedelics or an experienced guide who can provide emotional support throughout your journey, having a knowledgeable person familiar with psychedelics can prove very helpful during intense moments in your trip.
- Set an intention for your trip. Before embarking on your psychedelic journey, take some time to think about what you hope to get out of it. This will help focus your energy and direct the flow of the experience in ways that are meaningful for you personally.
- Play calming music in the background. Music has been known to enhance the psychedelic experience by creating an atmosphere conducive to relaxation and introspection. Pick some soothing tunes that will help create an ambiance without overwhelming or distracting from your inner journey.
- Have nourishing snacks nearby. Before embarking on any kind of psychedelic journey it’s important to have something light yet nourishing nearby—for instance fruit juice or smoothies—in case you need something energizing during or after your trip.
- Avoid using multiple substances at once: Combining psychedelics with other substances like alcohol can be dangerous as each substance affects different areas of brain chemistry differently, so it’s best to avoid mixing them together unless recommended by a medical professional.
- Have items such as essential oils handy for grounding yourself if needed. While not necessary for everyone, having access to grounding items such as essential oils can help keep anxiety at bay if needed during intense moments during the trip.

Set & Setting play an important role in creating positive experiences with psychedelics. The journey requires conscious effort on behalf of all involved parties. When done properly, it can help ensure that everyone involved has an enjoyable journey where they are able to learn something new about themselves or life in general while also minimizing potential risks associated with taking these substances. Ultimately, it boils down to being mindful throughout every step of preparation so that when the time comes for you to take off on this adventure you are ready for anything!
- Orion, D. (2018, June 10). Achieving the “Set” in Set and Setting: 4 Principles to Make the Most of Your Psychedelic Experience. Psychedelic Times. https://psychedelictimes.com/achieving-set-in-set-and-setting-4-principles-make-most-of-your-psychedelic-experience/
- Hartogsohn, I. (2017b). Constructing drug effects: A history of set and setting. Drug Science, Policy and Law, 3, 205032451668332. https://doi.org/10.1177/2050324516683325